Entries added by: Bananenpower
Moyocoyotzin by GIGEE
Reverse Fall by Phase Fatale
similar "melody"/motif
Lean Forward by Nihad Tule
Reverse Fall by Phase Fatale
6:30 (time left) of B when A is done - is a good transition time
The Frontier by Avalon Emerson
Lean Forward by Nihad Tule
Bottom Dweller by Dubfire
The Frontier by Avalon Emerson
Fade out A with squeaky/ scratching sound
Lost in the Clouds Again by Willie Burns
Bottom Dweller by Dubfire
Fade with full distortion and HP high Make the thing very noisy
The Grid by KiNK
Lost in the Clouds Again by Willie Burns
Sizzling by Daphni, Paradise
Kilian (Original) by Lauer
Same Key
What is MixBase?
MixBase is a handy DJ-transition manager that saves your transitions in a database and makes them easily accessible to you and your friends. While you're DJing, look up a song that you're playing and see if anyone submitted a transition that works well with your current song. Update: I will soon release a new version that will go through all the transitions and create a DJ-set playlist based on all the submitted song pairs.